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Lesson Plan #4 can be opened or downloaded as a Microsoft Word file by clicking or right-clicking in this link.


Patrick Hait
Instrumental Music Recruitment Lesson
Grade Level: The entire 4th grade class (Approximately 140 students).
Approximate Time: 30 - 40 minutes.
Objective: The students will be able to identify the instruments in the band and they will begin to think about which instrument they would like to learn.
Standards: MENC 6 (Listening to, analyzing and describing music)
Materials: Instruments: Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Baritone Horn
Handouts for students (4thnewletter.doc, instfamilies.doc)
Short excerpt of music to demonstrate each instrument
  1. Distribute the handouts.
  2. Tell students about band and lessons - practicing requirements, concerts, learning how to read and play music.
  3. Explain different sound qualities of all instruments
  4. Perform sound-bytes on all instruments
  5. Have the students ‘buzz’
  6. Discuss how sound is made on brass / woodwind instruments
  7. Questions?
Summary: In this assembly the fourth grade students learned about the Elementary Band program that will be offered at the Morrow Elementary School.  They learned about the instruments that were going to be available to them and about how the sound is produced on each instrument.  I briefly touched on the practice requirement that is necessary for continued participation in the band program.  If you noticed, I did not demonstrate percussion.  In my experience, interested students will put that down as one of their three choices.  The sheets that the students fill out will be due on Tuesday, September 21.
Alto Saxophone
Baritone Horn
Somewhere over the rainbow
Amazing Grace
Can Can
William Tell Overature
When The Saints Come Marching In
Star Wars



Central Islip Union Free School District

Andrew T. Morrow Elementary School

Music Department


September 13, 2005


Dear Parent or Guardian:


I hope that you all have had a wonderful summer and that you and your children are ready for the new opportunities and challenges that will face them in the coming year.  If you have been living in the Central Islip School District for a while, you surely know about the strong music program that has developed and taken hold in this community. 


Since kindergarten, your child has been involved in a wonderful classroom music program.  This program taught your child about music of different cultures and taught them to explore their own thoughts and listening skills as they listen to different genres of music.  This year, upon his or her entrance into fourth grade, your child will have the opportunity to embark on a journey to be one of the people creating the music.  Your child will have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the universal language of music.


It should be understood that the choice to enter the instrumental band program comes with a commitment.  This commitment to a larger group will teach your child about the responsibility that comes with being part of a team.  Being part of a musical ensemble will build your child’s self-esteem as they strengthen their individual talents and learn more about the process of creating music.


This commitment to the larger group will come in the form of practicing their individual instrument for at least 20 minutes each day, attending and being prepared for weekly group lessons at school, and performing at school concerts.  Some students will also have the opportunity to participate in the NYSSMA Solo Festival in the spring if they decide.


Today, I met with your child’s fourth grade class to show them all of the different instruments that will be available to them.  Please take this time to talk with your child to see if he or she is interested in being part of the A. T. Morrow Band this year and to decide what instrument he or she may be interested in learning.  Please be aware that there is a nominal fee for renting school-owned instruments.  I am looking forward to working with your child this year, as their band teacher, and to further communicating with you about his or her progress.




Mr. Hait

Fourth Grade Band Director


The Attached Sheet is Due Friday, September 16, 2005

**Must be Signed by Parent / Guardian**


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